August 9, 2016



Worry not if you don’t have a photogenic face, or the background behind you bothers you…learn to Photoshop! Compufest presents you with GraphiX event. Learn the basics of Photoshop via a workshop…and then test your skills in the competition that follows.






Learn the essentials of ‘Adobe after effects’ and take your motion, tracking and animation skills to a higher level. Videopedia brings you the workshop, followed by a competition that’d prove as an opportunity to apply your novice skills .

System requirements: Laptop having Intel i3 or above processor with minimum 4 GB RAM, 64 bit Windows OS versions 7,8,8.1,or 10, 5GB hard drive and 15 GB for disc cache space is mandatory, Resolution 720p.





Explore the world of Website technology at Webster. A workshop will be conducted for the participants to learn about the subject under the guidance of an expertise. A competition will be then conducted where the challenge for the participants is to create an active and creative website. Don’t loose this opportunity!






appDroid Dev

Round 1: A workshop will be organized based on android app development. Eclipse and android studio will be used for getting the basics about android system.

Round 2: This round consists of competition for designing applications on eclipse and android studio and creating an activity on android studio.






Become a pro at ethical hacking! Participants would first undergo a workshop based on ethical hacking and then apply their skills in the competition along with the toolkit which will follow the workshop. (Toolkit will be provided).